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Fast-Track version 3.4

* Small change, I dynamically generate the version numbers now in menu and command line mode, before
you may have noticed it said Version 3 and never changed with different versions. Now its showing
the correct version numbers every update.
* Changed the changelog.txt and credits.txt to CREDITS and CHANGELOG. Also modified credits to be
up to date.
* Fixed a bug where going to About in menu mode would cause Fast-Track to crash.
* Added error handling if Fast-Track Web GUI if the port was already in use.
* Removed the Shikata Ga Nai encoding from Fast-Track's SQLPWANGE, it was causing issues
on some systems with corruptable executabls.
* Added better cleanup in SQLPwnage to remove H2B files as soon as the conversion to binary
is completed.
* Added a "browse" button to the wordlist specification in sql bruter and in binary to hex generator.
Before you had to manually specify the wordlist or file to convert, now you just hit the browse button
and navigate to it.
* Changed the timeout with no internet connection for identifying an IP address to 2 seconds instead of
the default of 8 on SQLPwnage.
* Changed the directories where SQLPwnage does its conversions from binary to hex to the appdata folder.
My plan is to make all information go into the appdata folder and noowhere else. A lot easier for cleanup.
* Created a "version" directory in bin that handles what version number Fast-Track is on for the menu mode
and command line mode.
* Added some cool stuff to the SQL Bruter, once a system gets popped with the "sa" account, Fast-Track will
now allow you to specify what type of payload you want. For example, you can use the normal command shell
but we also incorporated the 64kb debug bypass attack that uploads a metasploit reverse vnc or reverse
meterpreter to the system without having to upload anything. Pretty slick feature that I haven't seen in
any SQL bruters before.


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