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Showing posts from June 2, 2008

Barbelo: Re-released on 01/06/08 to support pre-FP1 phones (e.g., e65)

Barbelo is a wireless (WiFi) security related toolset for Symbian S60 v3. It currently supports, in a primitive form: Standart netstumbler/kismet like functionality. GPS support to map networks. Logging in Kismet (XML) format. All testing was done on a Nokia N95 8GB. Another phone that works is Nokia E51. Notes It seems that the wifi card on phones and Symbian are quite capable, if you know the right API. JoikuSpot is an app that turns your phone into an access point. Perhaps Symbian allows applications to do raw 802.11 networking. If so, coding aircrack-like apps is possible. Ideally, IP-over-DNS would be implemented like a "vpn". That is, all traffic from the phone passes to the application, and the application tunnels it over DNS. This requires Symbian to have something like UNIX's tap interface. If it doesn't though, we can code IP-over-DNS by setting the web proxy of the browser to and faking a proxy in the application. This will forward only web traffi