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Cell Track

CellTrack for Symbian OS Series 60

CellTrack is a program to collect some phone information about the cell you are connected to - like the net monitor. For more information about GSM net search the web.

Main window

The main screen shows the GSM information.
the id from the actual cell
the Location Area Code from your cell
the net you are moving in - e.g. 262 for Germany and 02 for Vodafone. If a W-CDMA/UMTS cell is present is shown here. The number has still 4 digits.

the name of the cell. This is shown by an algorithm when you select 'Cell Name from Id' in the settings. Or from the cell broadcast when you have turned 'Cell Name from CBS' on and have defined a service number. Otherwise one a '-' is shown. If both is turn on the CBS overwrites the generated name.

shows the quality of the receive signal. The percentage value is taken from the Nokia phone API. The dBm values is covered with an at command (CellTrack62) or the newer API (CellTrack70).
should show the capacity of your battery
shows the information from the database.

Diagram shows the dBm values as green and the percentage as black line. The red lines a cell changes

The direction to the cell is generated from the cell id. E.g. the cell looks to the north direction so you see it in the south. See this page

If you like use my application Sun Compass via the menu 'Call Compass' It helps to find the North direction.

Other Views in main window

Tab on the key up or down (navigation button) to see more views.

Cell 2 - holds a little bit more info. If a W-CDMA/UMTS he number has 8 digits.
Cell Pic - shows you a picture of your cell. You have to place it first in the pics directory in your CellTrack path. The picture has a name like this:
256301FE26202.jpg if you cell is 2563 in LAC 01FE in country 262 by provider 02 (Cell (hex.) + LAC (hex.) + country + net).
Phone - some infos about your phone

Cell list

This view shows a list from the cached cells.
From here you go to edit the cell description.
Only when the cell name is edited it goes to the database.


Select your configuration here.

Log Mode - handles the different modes for logging. Press the fire key for manual log.
Direction means: get the direction from the cell id. There a three systems reported to me:
the Direction is build from 123 and 789 carries the information
the first digit has the direction information with 01, 23 or 45 as the same view
the Direction is build from the last digit but 123 and 567 carries the same information
the Direction is build from the last digit but 123 and 456 carries the same information
Direction digit Position - tells the application how to handle the direction. The position of the digit start from the back side. E.g. a cell id 24712 and the digit position of 1 has 2 as result. On a position 2 the result is 1.

Cell names from id generates a name like German D2 net. This works from the cell id, e.g. 9571 becomes HXB957 A. In side the German O2 net the same cell id is given as010300571.
Cell names from CBS fills the name with the broadcast service for cell name. When this option is selected with the 'Cell Changes' option the log writer waits for receiving the name before saving.
CBS service number is the required number for this service (e.g. Vodafone Germany 833, Vodafone Australia 50).
View Bar as - the bar can contain the dBm or the percentage value (the graphic is always for the dBm values)

Beep on unknown cells
Beep on cell signal better or equal -53 dBm
Show short Cell Id - the first view shows the long cell id for WCDMA

Database compress. Please generate a new database when change this mode. In compressed mode the database saves the space but the saving of the edit costs a lot of time when it is a large database (>2000 cells).
Import data as ASCII or UTF-8 string - the change to this feature needs a new generation of the database.
Second search - The database is search by id and lac. If nothing was found there can be an other search without lac

Light always on stops at 30% battery power

Log file and log modes

The log modes are:

No Log - nothing is done
New Cells only - all visited cells are saved in a dbx.clf file. An old file is overwritten.
Cell Changes - logs all visited cells in a trace.log file. This works additive.
Signal Changes - logs all changes in the trace.log file.

Log Manual - log to trace.log only when the fire button is pressed.

The log files are save in the ?:\Nokia\Others\CellTrack directory.

Log file formats:

1. trace.log - continues logging - tab separated
Date, time, cell (dec.), LAC (dec.), country, net, signal, signal dBm, cell name, info

20030918 0442 9571 510 262 02 80% -88 HXB957A no info
2. dbx.clf - used for new station logs - tab separated
This log file is only saved when the program closes - use trace.log first and change your configuration before you close to get both log files.
Cell (hex.) + LAC (hex.) + country + net, info

//cell list exchange format v2.0//256301FE26202my cell
Also version 2.1 is supported. this contains decimal cell id and lac.

Cell database

The clf file format is also used to show cell information. All databases are stored in ?:\Nokia\Others\CellTrack. Belongs to the installation. Use country and net for filename (e.g. 26202.clf for German D2 net). The clf file is converted to an internal database to have a fast search engine. It is not editable because the database is compressed. Select in the database menu 'Generate DB' (takes a little time).
The database only holds the cell id and the description. The description can have 100 characters (notice that in a UTF-8 clf file the characters can have up to 3 bytes).

The input clf format can also have the new clf verson 2.1 (decimal id and lac)

//cell list exchange format v2.1//095710051126202my cell
The file names for the database can have more than 5 characters but the first 5 numbers have to be the carrier (e.g. 26202north.clf for the north part of 26202). So you can hold more informations in the back. It is save to the 26202 database. Please notice: the export goes still as 26202.clf

You will find clf files on this address Senderliste (German page but contains also links to international sites)

Cell database new format and new clf format

The format is activated by selecting 'Version 3.0' in the settings.
The new clf format uses more information about a cell:

Hex version looks like

//cell list exchange format v3.0//26202;0x2563;0x01FE;0x0000;0;0;0;my cell;0
Decimal version looks like

//cell list exchange format v3.0//26202;09571;00510;00000;0;0;0;my cell;0
Notice: All clf sentences have to be sorted. Otherwise they will not be found.

The position are decimal values like the GPS will deliver it (WGS84 most hardware). If the position is an exact value the POS-RAT goes to -1. If the position is a combination between GPS and signal value the POS-RAT value becomes positive as the signal value. (this part is not ready)
RFU is reserved for later use - the value 0 is generated now.

The problem is the old clf doesn't know the RNC info. So the converting would write this

in : 1234ABCD26202 my cellout: 26202;0xABCD;0x1234;0x0000;0;0;0;my cell;0
When the 'second search' setting is on CellTrack will also find cells with RNC values other then zero.
The second search also finds cells with unknown LAC. Set the LAC to zero. (Takes a longer time)

The new database is stored as 'indexed text' now and not as SQL database. The uncompressed version of the SQL database has a very large filesize.

Use the translater (perl script) to get your old files ready.


Cell pictures are loaded very slow.
Not working on Sendo X
Not runnig on 7650 since version 1.06
6680 - problems with CBS reported, must switch on first
For Panasonic X700 use the version CellTrack62 - it can handle the signal problem
The cell information is not updated during a call.

On database generation with very large clf files (>3000 entries) the program runs into a conflict when the screen saver starts running. Please give more time for the screen saver activation. - should be better with the version 1.13

This program is tested only with the 3650, 6600 and 6630.
(6600, 6260 - has problems with battery, no CBS available, slow answering) there are 2 versions now
SX1 - problems with the percentage signal strength.
N-GAGE - no problems reported, work like 3650
N-Gage QD - ok
6630, 6680 with UTMS - ok
N90 - problems with cbs

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