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The new MDK3 uses the osdep injection library from the project. The Linux-dependant includes have been removed, mdk3 compiles and runs on FreeBSD and even Windows (Cygwin). For Windows you need special drivers, a possibly illegal DLL file and the cygwin environment. Please see the aircrack-ng website for details about Packet Injection in Windows.

MDK3 works on the new mac80211 stack.

If you are a Linux user, just make, make install and have fun.
If you are a FreeBSD user, do the same, and report back to me, if it works correctly there.
If you are a Windows user, good luck, but expect no support from me.

MDK3 is licenced under GPLv2.

•Bruteforce MAC Filters
•Bruteforce hidden SSIDs (some small SSID wordlists included)
•Probe networks to check if they can hear you
•intelligent Authentication-DoS to freeze APs (with success checks)
•FakeAP - Beacon Flooding with channel hopping (can crash NetStumbler and some buggy drivers)
•Disconnect everything (aka AMOK-MODE) with Deauthentication and Disassociation packets
•WPA TKIP Denial-of-Service
•WDS Confusion - Shuts down large scale multi-AP installations

MDK3 version 6

•Amok Mode now works on Ad-Hoc and MANET networks (WARNING: Clients may not reconnect automatically, so they may stay disconnected after the attack stopped!)
•Removed duplicate WPA downgrade in Deauth Mode (sorry for the confusion)
•SSID Bruteforce Mode understands 0 and 1 byte SSIDs as hidden now, and tries all lengths
•GCC 4.4 support, all warnings and extra warnings fixed
•Whitelists and Blacklists in Amok Mode are re-read periodically every 3 seconds.
You can use this to dynamically allow or block hosts with scripts.
•A lot of small bugfixesMDK3 version 5

•Enhanced MAC-Filter Bruteforce Mode
•Another WDS/WIDS/WIPS Confusion Test
•Amok Mode supports QoS packets
•Michael Countermeasure Exploit (also known as TKIP QoS Exploit)
Shuts down APs using TKIP encryption and QoS Extension with 1 sniffed and 2 injected QoS Data Packets

•WPA-Downgrade Test - deauthenticates Stations and APs sending WPA encrypted packet
With this test you can check if the sysadmin will try WEP or even disables encryption
mdk3 will let WEP and unencrypted clients work, so if the sysadmin simply thinks "WPA is broken" he sure isn't the right one for this job. (this can/should be combined with social engineering)
MDK3 version 4

•Added high-speed MAC-Filter Bruteforce Mode (experimental)
Please test this on your APs and report back for optimizing and bugfixing, thanks!



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